There are no dialysis doctors in Macomer and Sorgono . And help arrives from Cagliari. This is foreseen by the agreement stipulated between the Asl 8 of the capital and the 3 of Nuoro. The document signed by the general directors of the health authorities states that "due to the temporary unavailability of medical personnel at the

Dialysis Centers of Macomer and Sorgono, the Asl of Nuoro, has expressed its interest in signing an agreement to guarantee coverage of shifts in the Dialysis Centers through the provision of professional nephrodialysis services”.

The agreement provides that Cagliari will provide "where possible" to cover shifts and that away doctors will work "outside the service commitment and in safeguarding the needs and hourly volumes of activity envisaged for the institutional activity of competence of the ASL of Cagliari”, but also “within the overall maximum limit of weekly work commitment, daily and weekly rest”.

Performances obviously won't be guaranteed free of charge: Nuoro will have to pay Cagliari 60 euros an hour, as well as cover the expenses deriving from travel reimbursements.

The successful execution of the activities "will be documented on a monthly basis by the

specialists of the ASL of Cagliari, by completing and signing a special document certifying the hours worked (monthly report of the activity carried out) validated by the ASL barbaricina".


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