An olive tree, symbol of peace and strength. "Just like our Najibe was, an adorable daughter", repeat Omar Zaher and Merita Agus who yesterday - together with friends and neighbors - remembered their daughter who passed away at just 19 years old, together with three other very young people at the dawn of the last September 10th in the accident in Viale Marconi.

A meeting in the Is Corrias neighborhood in Selargius , where the Zaher family lives, and where since yesterday there has been an olive tree complete with a plaque dedicated to the young girl, right in front of the house in Via Barbagia where she lived. «She was a splendid daughter, of a unique purity, and I'm not saying this because I'm biased», recalls her mother Merita.

“He was really special, very altruistic and sensitive,” he says, recalling an episode that dates back to shortly before his disappearance. «At the supermarket he met a woman who didn't have the money to buy candy for her children, and Najibe insisted on paying for it. We found out after her death, this lady let us know because she recognized our daughter from the photos."

The details in Federica Lai's article on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands and in the digital edition

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