In Sardinia there are 439 family doctors missing , there are many "vacant offices" in the latest call (for 2022) published in recent days. And not all posts will be filled, considering that in the previous notice the applications received by the Region had been approximately half of the available positions .

"Today, if we want to give a strong response on the primary care front, the rules need to be changed," underlined Health Councilor Carlo Doria. « Decades of lack of planning at national level have led to the current situation in which, net of retirements, there is a negative balance of the forces in the field . The Region has intervened with its own resources to enhance the training capacity of specialization schools, but it takes time to train new doctors and, immediately, solutions are needed to respond to emergencies".

The councilor proposed the modification of the doctor/patient ratio with the increase of the ceilings, but an agreement with the unions has not been reached : two out of four have not signed. The solution, explains Doria, "would have favored peripheral offices where it is difficult to find doctors willing to fill positions".

The Fimmg regional secretary Umberto Nevisco, who did not sign the agreement, applauds the immediate publication of the notice and explains: «If we had made the changes that the commissioner wanted, the times would have lengthened. We argue that we cannot try to distribute doctors on the territory on the basis of theoretical mathematical calculations. We need to look at the local situations, case by case , I am thinking of Carbonia for example, where the mayor complained that there are not enough doctors: now he is entitled to 11, but being an area with over 16,000 inhabitants with the new parameters the number will decrease".

All the details in the article by Cristina Cossu on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands

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