The councilor of the 5-star Movement Maria Teresa Piccinnu, already candidate for mayor in 2016, leaves the City Council . The announcement came a bit as a surprise at the opening of the work of the civic assembly this afternoon.

"The decision, painful and conflicting, stems from completely familiar reasons that require absolute precedence" , communicated the leader of the pentastellati thanking her constituents: "My activity in the M5S anti-crisis desk remains and my contribution to the internal organization of the movement".

In place of Maria Teresa Piccinnu , Alfideo Farina, the first of the non-elected, will enter the City Council, in the opposition benches.

The 5-star Movement, after its solo debut six years ago with Maria Teresa Piccinnu, grillina of the first hour, who was so far the first and only woman to run for leadership of the city , was present in the last elections with its own list all within the broad coalition led by Augusto Navone.

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