Fines are pouring in for citizens who carry out separate waste collection correctly: since the beginning of the week , ten citizens have already been fined for not separating waste correctly .

The municipal administration has decided to crack down on the bad habit of throwing away even what by regulation should be separated into wet waste, paper or plastic : local police officers and Teknoservice workers have been busy for days to check the bags left on the street by citizens.

When it is not clear who left the black waste bags under the house, clues such as bills or other documents often emerge during checks that allow us to trace the person responsible.

The mayor, Beniamino Garau , explains how the objective of the controls is not to punish citizens, but to invite everyone to carry out correct separate waste collection: " We can no longer tolerate anything being thrown into rubbish bags , whether for a both an environmental issue and to avoid the high costs involved in waste disposal, it is necessary for everyone to work harder to carry out separate waste collection correctly. The checks, starting from the area of Via Kennedy, will extend throughout the town centre ."

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