A testimony of the friendship of Sardinia and Cagliari with Israel , and of the "perennial, painful, heartbreaking memory of the victims of the Shoah ".

Thus the President of the Region, Christian Solinas, inaugurating this morning in Cagliari the Garden of the Righteous of Sardinia , in Palazzo Siotto , where commemorative plaques were affixed in honor of those who, defying the racial laws and the horror of the Nazi-fascist deportations , helped the Jews to save themselves.

Among others present were the Archbishop of Cagliari Mons. Giuseppe Baturi , the president of the Siotto Foundation Aldo Accardo and the deputy ambassador of Israel Alon Simhayof .

"We are proud - said President Solinas - to be able to boast of our Righteous, the Sardinians who helped save lives from barbarism".

The plaques commemorate Carmen Atzeri, Salvatore Corrias, Sister Giuseppina De Muro, Francesco Loriga, Bianca Ripepi, Girolamo Sotgiu, Vittorio Tredici .

"We have a duty - added Solinas - to reflect and remember the horror and atrocities of which man was capable in a past that is not so far from us, and to find the strength and determination to ensure may the insidious and aberrant seed of anti-Semitism and hatred never again find ground in which to take root. We would offend the memory of all those innocents carried to their deaths - children, women, men, the elderly - if we allowed the present to set aside the past. Today must be a day of profound reflection which commits us not only to handing down the memory of the Shoah, but also to reflecting on its roots and its terrible consequences".

"This beautiful and historic morning - concluded Solinas - also wants to be oriented towards the future, and in particular to the consolidated friendship between Sardinia and Israel".


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