The prosecutor asks for a sentence of one year and 5 months, the judge doubles it. Yesterday in court in Sassari the final discussion was held on a case of family abuse and violation of family support obligations.

The defendant is a man, not from Sassari, accused of aggressive and possessive conduct against his partner both during and after the marriage, from 2008 to 2016 . To illustrate a context of extreme discomfort, the public prosecutor Antonio Pala retraced the process of a family ménage which, according to the accusation, was characterized by insulting epithets towards the woman, by threats such as "I'll beat the shit out of you" but also from physical violence with reported episodes of kicking and pulling .

Behaviors which, among other things, would also have occurred in the presence of the minor child . But the mistreatment would also have a tail after the man's departure which resulted in numerous threatening phone calls towards the offended party.

According to the defense lawyer Salvatore Carlo Castronuovo, there is no proof of what the woman alleged who, moreover, the lawyer declared, had filed a complaint far removed from the facts. In the end, as anticipated, judge Monia Adami increased the prosecutor's request by increasing the sentence to 2 years and 8 months .

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