The mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu at the school in via Garavetti to congratulate the students of 5 A , on the podium of the national competition on human rights promoted by Unesco .

The councilor for education Marina Adamo will accompany the mayor . The winning class – led by teacher Francesca Ghezzo – grappled with this year's theme : “The Unesco World Heritage is yours too! What natural, tangible or intangible heritage, in your city or region, would you like to be included in the UNESCO list of "Universal Heritage for Humanity?".

Starting from the teacher's ideas - with the collaboration of teacher Elena Pisu - the students decidedly focused on the park adjacent to the school, and presented a work entitled: " Mount Urpinu , we want to protect a beautiful park near the sea so easy to love". The paper took its first steps with the description of the city's green space, continuing with a reflection enriched by interviews , drawings and journalistic articles . The commission appreciated the passion and interest in dealing with the issue of profound cultural importance, of significant educational importance and of great social relevance. The class is now preparing to receive a local Unesco delegation which in the next few days will formalize the delivery of the certificates and the tablet obtained as a prize for the victory.


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