After the houses for one euro, Ollolai launches a new project: "Work from Ollolai/Traballa dae Ollolai", promoted by the Municipality in collaboration with the Sa Mata association - the tree of ideas, to develop a network of international residencies in favor of professionals who will live and work in the Barbagia country.

This year we start with the United States: ten professionals have been recruited, who will be able to arrive in Ollolai alone or with their families and work and live in the country as long as they want, taking advantage of the accommodation at one euro a month made available by the Municipality . Then we will move on to the second phase, through the creation of a dedicated portal where candidates can send their membership by filling in a simple format.

In return, each of them will leave a professional contribution which they will donate to the Ollolai community . «Revitalizing the country, improving the lives of the inhabitants and curbing depopulation, these are the goals we have set ourselves», says the mayor Francesco Columbu, «We believe that ours is a nice place to live and work remotely according to a of life made of nature, tranquillity, healthy food and traditions. And we are one of the five Blue Zones in the world due to the many centenarians present. We are aiming for further opportunities for growth and exchange, such as real estate sales, events, tourist visits with economic, cultural and social benefits for the inhabitants".


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