Postponed to September. The meeting in the Department of Health set for tomorrow, August 9, for the illustration of the feasibility study of the new hospital in Cagliari has been postponed to a later date due to the high risk of holiday defections.

Among those summoned were the mayor Paolo Truzzu and the heads of the health companies concerned. The invitation letter was sent after the Ares technicians, last week, had sent their documents to the representative of the Solinas junta. But as the days went by it emerged that few, very few, would be present. So here is the postponement decision.

The details on the new structure are kept in the strictest confidence but the fundamental elements are leaking out. The assumed expenditure is over half a billion euros: the tables speak of a figure that would be around 550 million. Money that would be used for the construction of 854 beds distributed in horizontally developed blocks that would occupy an area that will have an estimated extension between 25 and 30 hectares. A land that according to the directives of the president of the Region should already be public property. Entirely or in its large part. Where? The cards weren't supposed to give an answer and they don't. The technicians had the task of limiting themselves to providing general characteristics. But an eye to the maps has been given. And a hypothesis emerges, which is not new: a potentially suitable area has been identified in the plain of San Lorenzo, between the 131 Dir and the junction for the 554.

Marino and Microcitemico

It all stems from the resolution of the regional council of June 1st which dictated the times for the planning of four new hospitals in Sardinia. The new "city hospital" was planned in Cagliari. The declared objective was the «reorganization and sizing of the functions of the “Brotzu” dell'Arnas and of the “Oncologico-Businco” for the unification in a single complex». But the study sent to Health Councilor Carlo Doria in recent days goes further. The creation of a pediatric pole is hypothesized, with a unification of departments now distributed between Brotzu and Microcitemico, which would therefore be involved. Like the Marine. There is talk of the transfer of the hyperbaric chamber and the spinal unit: now they are in the semi-ruin of the Poetto, intended to house the offices of the ASL 8 and, again according to the plans (more ideas than reality), also a community hospital for rapid treatment of non-serious diseases.

I study

As for the new hospital in Sulcis Iglesiente – already presented – a team of internal professionals from Ares (Regional Health Agency) worked on the study. Therefore, the external assignment hypothesized by Rup Giampiero Testoni, who had received the planning assignment, vanished. An expression of interest had also been launched to identify professional firms competent in the matter. Fee: almost 150 thousand euros. After the controversy, the in-house solution was opted for. And the answer came within the established deadline: the Giunta, again in the resolution of June 1st, had imposed that of August 6th and it was respected, without the disbursement of a cent.

The hypothesis

In the meantime, however, only the hypothesis of the dismantling of Brotzu and Businco has devastated the balance of the centre-right majority. The rift had been mended after high-voltage summits. Or so it seemed. During the discussion of the associate to the Budget law, the snipers shot the program agreement that linked the fate of the Cagliari stadium - of its 60 million loan - to that of the hospital. The meeting of 9 August was convened after the Caporetto of the majority. Now that too has been postponed.

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