Here is Circe. The strong mistral that agitates the Sardinian sea causing various dangerous situations on which the Coast Guard has to intervene and temperatures in sharp decline compared to the peaks of 48 degrees recorded in the infernal week of Charon.

The Arpas control units recorded autumn lows during the night. The lowest as expected in the mountain towns of Gennargentu: 9.2 degrees in Desulo, 10.4 in Fonni . But also in the rest of the island the thermometer has dropped by about ten degrees compared to the values recorded in the tropical nights of recent weeks, characterized by sultriness and extreme heat.

In Tempio the minimum reached 12 degrees, in Seui 12.5. Below 14 degrees in Gavoi and Bitti, below 15 in Macomer .

Among the main cities , Nuoro has the lowest minimum (16.4 degrees) . Thermometer around 19 degrees in Sassari and Iglesias, above 20 in Alghero. Highest temperatures in the Cagliari area: 20.5 in Monastir, 20.6 in Domus De Maria and Maracalagonis. In the capital , the Molentargius station recorded a minimum of 22.1, that of Pirri 22.5 . The highest minimum? At Villa San Pietro, 23.1 degrees.

The weekend will not be summery, but in Sardinia there is no bad weather warning unlike in several other Italian regions. On Sunday clearing up and the gradual increase in temperatures, from Wednesday the strong heat will return throughout Italy , even without the peaks of July.


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