Today, 60 tenure appointments for as many general practitioners who will cover the areas of Quartu Sant'Elena, Dolianova, Burcei have been assigned at the Ares Sardegna headquarters; Carbonia, Portoscuso, Gonnesa and Iglesias, Villamassargia and Domusnovas; Villanovatulo and Esterzili; Sanluri; Sassari, Castelsardo, Valledoria, Nulvi and Alghero; Thiesi, Torralba, Bono; Olbia and Tempio Pausania, Golfo Aranci and Telti; Nuoro, Dorgali, Ovodda, Sorgono and Aritzo; Oristano and Santa Giusta, Baratici San Pietro and Riola Sardo, Ghilarza, Bosa, Abbasanta, San Nicolò d'Arcidano, Norbello, Arborea and Terralba; Baunei and Lotzorai .

In the Sala Arancio in via Piero della Francesca, the General Manager Annamaria Tomasella , the Health Director Giuseppe Dessì and the Director of Ares Sardegna Conventioned Medicine Luciana Pinna welcomed the professionals who took on the task, reserving them a personal greeting.

In greeting to future general practitioners, Annamaria Tomasella, general manager of Ares Sardegna, commented: "There is a message that I would like to send to all of you who surely know that there are many areas in difficulty due to the shortage of doctors. L 'I appeal to you is to have the courage to accept more disadvantaged locations, taking the opportunity to go to places that are less easy from a logistical point of view. the sign. Things happen outside the comfort zone. Sardinia is beautiful everywhere, even in those corners where there are more distant locations, because wherever you go, the island offers emotions, scents, flavors of unparalleled intensity. The hope is that may you have a wonderful experience ".

"Today we are facing an epochal challenge, during the pandemic period we have seen that with the lack of doctors in the area, hospitals have found themselves in great difficulty - added the Health Director, Giuseppe Dessì - Now, also with the implementation of the PNRR , the way of working will change compared to the past. General practitioners will no longer be isolated, but will stay within collaborative networks. What family doctors have been missing for so many years is confrontation, which could have been hospital among all the various specialties present. The problem of bureaucracy actually weighs heavily on doctors, sometimes distancing them from direct assistance to patients. In the near future we are working for interactions of different teams, with the creation of community hospitals, health houses and the presence of the family nurse. I wish you all good work and a brilliant career ".

Specifically, for the territory of the Sassari ASL, 12 new family doctors have accepted the offices, the Asl di Nuoro 5, the Asl Gallura 5, the Asl Ogliastra 1, the Asl di Oristano 5, the Asl Sulcis 4, the Asl Medio Campidano 1, to the ASL of Cagliari 27.

(Unioneonline / EC)

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