The traffic light at the railway crossing in via Del Redentore, in Monserrato, was shot down by a car driven by a stranger who had stolen the vehicle in Cagliari shortly before.

Arriving in Monserrato, he lost control of the car by going against the traffic light, which then ended up on the surface subway track. Fortunately, the driver of the public transport became aware of the danger by blocking the ride.

The stranger escaped on foot, abandoning the Ford, which the owner had parked, leaving it with the engine running, to buy a newspaper at the newsstand. The criminal took advantage of the situation, got into the car and ran away in the direction of Monserrato.

The carabinieri of the Quartu Company and of the Monserrato Station are now dealing with the affair who, coordinated by captains Michele Cerri and Gianni Russo, carried out an inspection, then questioned some people and collected a testimony that could be useful in the economy of the same investigations.

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