Amin Al Haj, the man accused of trying to poison the waters in Macomer and being part of Isis, was acquitted "for not committing the deed".

Al Haj - Palestinian refugee from Lebanon but of Saudi origins - was arrested in Macomer during a spectacular street blitz . It was September 2018 and the man, who had moved to the Marghine with his wife, of Moroccan nationality, and four children, had ended up at the center of a series of investigations starting from a report by Interpol and the Palestinian authorities according to which an individual thought to be dangerous had arrived in Sardinia. The Digos had then begun to keep an eye on Al Haj, also subjecting him to wiretapping . In just a few months, enough material had been collected for the arrest .

From what emerged, he was part of ISIS and was planning the spill of ricin - a poison - in Macomer's aquifers, pipelines and aqueducts . The toxic substance would have caused the death of anyone who came in contact with it. Plan B was instead to use anthrax or the pesticides Methomyl and Lannate 90.

The magistrates had considered that project as such, therefore a simple preparatory act, but the fact remains that the man was considered affiliated with the terrorist organization in which, according to the investigators, he had entered under pressure from a cousin.

In a refugee camp in Lebanon, he had organized an attack with a relative: the target was an army barracks, the tool was ricin. But the plan had gone up in smoke and Al Haj had therefore reached Sardinia through a residence permit. Then the purchase on the internet of the pesticide Methomil and the beginning of the conservation of the seeds from which ricin is then obtained.

After the arrest it was also revealed that he had already withdrawn his savings - just under 6 thousand euros - and was trying to obtain a passport. Projects interrupted by the Nocs blitz staged in Macomer.

The man's lawyer, Angela Luisa Barria, had asked for his acquittal, as well as the prosecutor Guido Pani.


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