Fourteen years in prison . It is the punishment requested this morning by the deputy prosecutor of Nuoro, Riccardo Belfiori for Giuseppe Pittalis, 55 years old, the farmer from Bitti who on 3 March last year in the countryside of the town, at the height of an argument, killed his older brother large, Giorgio Desiderio, 61 years old , hitting him on the head with a hammer.

The man, self-confessed , accompanied by his lawyers Potito Flagella and Giuseppe Bandinu appeared this morning before the Gup Giovanni Angelicchio, where he is judged with the abbreviated procedure. The accusation, contesting the existence of generic mitigating circumstances offset by the aggravated parental bond, started from a basic sentence of 21 years in prison to which a discount of one third of the sentence was applied for the choice of the abbreviated trial .

The defense insisted on the context in which the murder occurred: between the two cohabiting brothers there was a tension that had lasted for years, and the fratricide suffered continuous harassment from the victim . Giuseppe acted " out of provocation, accumulating stress due to the treatment he underwent and that day was the classic straw that broke the camel's back ", the defense claimed.

The sentence in March . Investigations have established that on March 3 last year Giorgio blamed his younger brother for a car breakdown , then pushed him causing him to fall. Joseph reacted by grabbing the hammer and hitting him on the head, killing him . He changed, went to the bank to sort out some matters, and then confessed the murder to the mayor and, accompanied by the mayor, handed himself in to the police station.

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