First he destroyed the hotel room where he was staying, then when the attendant intervened to stop him he threatened him with a gun.

Madness in Alghero, where a 29-year-old boy was arrested by the local police station. Detention of clandestine weapons, receiving stolen goods, abusive firearms and an aggravated threat are the charges.

When the agents arrived on the scene, they calmed the young man and searched him. He was in possession of two pistols, one genuine and one blank but altered to make it offensive.

Further investigation revealed that one of the guns had been stolen in 2016.

The 29-year-old himself had already been reported two days before his arrest for aggravated damage, possession of explosive material and throwing dangerous things, as he had set off a large firecracker damaging the wall of a house.

(Unioneonline / L)

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