Moments of terror for a woman last night in Guasila. And moments of panic also for the carabinieri who intervened in via Cima, where a very agitated and extremely aggressive pit bull entered the garden of a house.

The terrified fifty-year-old barricaded herself in the house and raised the alarm on 112.

The carabinieri who intervened on the spot immediately took care to prevent the dog from leaving the garden, to avoid danger to other citizens.

The pit bull attacked one of the two servicemen, who was bitten on his left hand and sustained serious injuries. In the meantime, the operators of the "Dog Hotel" kennel in Assemini intervened on the spot, called by the carabinieri themselves, the dog was captured and sedated by a veterinarian before being accompanied to the "Tana di Bau" kennel in Quartu.

The carabiniere was taken to Brotzu for treatment, now the origin of the animal is being investigated. The dog had no microchip that could attribute ownership, but he was far from malnourished, so the military are sure he has an owner.


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