It is difficult to escape from a war that affects women and children. Especially when you are too far from the borders, where it is possible to find an escape route from Ukraine that has become increasingly weak in the face of Russian attacks.

In Ploaghe there is a foster mother, 55-year-old Elisabetta Devilla, who awaits her Tania, a 15-year-old girl who is staying in a foster home on the outskirts of Dnipropetrovsk, south of the capital Kiev. Not too far from bombing and dangers. He did everything to bring it to Italy, but the obstacles are too many and difficult to overcome.

"The family home is located very far from the borders and reaching the area safely is complex - says Elisabetta -. I am afraid that the truce will not last long and if the offensive in Ukraine resumes it will be a problem to save the children" .

Concern is mounting as the city of Dnipropetrovsk is located in the middle of two nuclear power plants, supplies and food supplies begin to run low. "I will fight to take her to Sardinia, - adds Elisabetta - but I cannot hide my anguish if they attack the city of Dnipro, 30 kilometers from the place where they are at the moment".

The meeting with Tania took place eight years ago through one of the associations that carry out solidarity projects to adopt children at a distance. Since then Elisabetta has hosted Tania every year, for three months in summer and a month at Christmas.

In the struggle to bring the girl to Sardinia there is also the support of the international organization “Save The Children”.

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