The fight against the blue crab , an invasive species that is now a "permanent guest" in the island's lagoons, does not stop in Sardinia. Thus, an "alien" crustacean fishing competition was organized in Posada , an event born in the name of sport and the protection of ecosystems and promoted by the Tepilora Park with the amateur sport fishing associations (APSD) of Posada and Torpè, in close collaboration with the four Ceas of the protected area. The appointment is for September 23rd at 5pm near the former Peschiera.

After the usual greetings, the race will take place from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. At 8pm we will proceed with the weighing of the catch and the awarding of the winners. At 8.30pm the presentation of the blue crab at the table with chef Enzo Borgese. At 9pm the final farewells with a buffet for the participants.

«The idea of promoting a fishing competition – explains the director of the Tepilora Park, Marianna Mossa – was born by comparing ourselves with the citizens of the area who reported an increasingly invasive presence of the blue crab , an alien species which in the space of a few years has literally invaded the wetlands of our protected area, as well as many other lagoon and coastal areas of Sardinia and the Peninsula". «Promoting such an initiative has a double value: civic and environmental. On the one hand, important moments of sociality are created and on the other we intervene to protect and defend our ecosystems and biodiversity, which are often put at risk with the arrival of numerous alien species", concludes Mossa.

Registration for the race is open to everyone : enthusiasts, adults and families. The Ceas collaborated in the creation of the event: Casa delle Dame di Posada, Torpè Porta del Parco environmental education centre, Montalbo di Lodè – Environmental education and sustainability centre, Tepilora di Bitti.


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