There are 403 sanctions issued in 22 days in Sassari against those who give waste incorrectly . This morning at Palazzo Ducale the illustration of the report, in the presence, among others, of the mayor Nanni Campus , the commander of the local police Gianni Serra and the councilor for the environment Antonello Sassu .

4528 videos analyzed and taken by 66 latest generation camera traps powered by solar energy installed in the city, suburbs and countryside.

"I have no hesitation in defining "animals" - says the mayor - who throws, for example, washing machines on the street instead of taking them to the appropriate eco-centres".

But environmental crimes and administrative offenses are of various nature, as underlined by Commander Serra, and include, for example, the incorrect delivery of door-to-door deliveries, those who throw rubbish from other municipalities into the city, those who throw away bulky waste in the countryside or still use the black bag.

"Or there are those who leave 10 quintals of waste on the street - declares Serra - as happened in via Sant'Apollinare last Sunday. It took 4 hours to clean everything up and 1100 euros of groceries». Which for offenders will result in a fine of almost 5 thousand euros but for citizens in one of the many offenses that will weigh down the final bill of the Tari. Transgressions that impact on users and lead to overwork in the environmental sector.

«We produced - reports its manager Marge Cannas - 377 reports for 121 thousand euros in fines, 91 orders for payment. From January to May 2023 we collected 24 thousand euros».

Mayor Campus urges citizens to follow the rules also because infractions on separate waste collection involve a penalty for Sassari by the Region.

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