After 25 years Nathan Never, the famous character from the Bonelli house stories, returns to be testimonial of the Lila of Cagliari and does so with giant posters along the streets or on the sides of the Ctm buses, but also with postcards and brochures distributed in schools. '1 December, world day for the fight against AIDS.

It was 1996 when Nathan supported Lila in a major campaign calling for the use of condoms to protect themselves from HIV infection. Today the slogans created by Lila with the collaboration of Bepi Vigna, one of the creators of Nathan Never together with the other members of the so-called "Sardinian band" Michele Medda and Antonio Serra, for the new campaign are extremely clear and hit the mark: "Let's fight HIV with the most powerful weapon: information ", and again" U = U, if HIV is undetectable, it is not transmissible. People with HIV in therapy do not transmit the virus ".

The posters were designed by the cover artist of Nathan Never, Sergio Zardo, who with his plastic and precise line summarized the fundamental concepts of the campaign.

During the presentation, the president of the Lila of Cagliari, Brunella Mocci, raised the alarm on the inadequacy of the current national surveillance system on HIV / AIDS.

"The data on the trend of the infection in Italy in 2020, just published by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, this year are particularly incomplete and not credible - he explains - the AIDS Operations Center itself admits this several times in the bulletin, placing the responsibility on it at Covid. This, however, can only be partially true. At the basis of our doubts there is, above all, the fact that the total number of tests performed continues to be lacking, all the more important in the Covid era, given the suspension or contraction suffered in 2020 by many public screening services ".

La Lila, after a short period of hiatus caused by the acute phase of the pandemic, has actively resumed all its activities and organized this important initiative. Alongside the billboards throughout the city and on the Ctm buses, a first appointment is scheduled for Friday 26 November, from 15:30 to 18 in room 7A of the adjunct body of the Faculty of Humanities in Sa Duchessa, where the test service will be operational. fast, anonymous and free, without reservation.

On Saturday 27 November Lila will participate in the student assembly of the "De Santis - Deledda" Institute in Cagliari.

Finally, Saturday 4 December, in the afternoon, a procession will reach the Saint Remy Bastion to remember the victims of AIDS. The activists will parade on foot, in a procession cheered by the participation of the Vespa Club of Cagliari.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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