Areus will activate a new helipad for 118 vehicles at Oristano-Fenosu airport.

A project that is part of the plan of the regional company for emergency emergencies to strengthen and integrate the pre-hospital rescue services throughout the Sardinian territory with ambulances and medical vehicles and with air vehicles , i.e. the three 118 helicopters of the bases of Cagliari-Elmas, Alghero and Olbia. In recent days, an agreement was signed for Fenosu with the 7th Flight Department of the Oristano State Police and Sogeaor, the airport management company, which ratifies the free agreement for the use of the structure.

The helipad will be used to guarantee primary rescue in the area and urgent secondary transport activated by the Oristano hospital to highly specialized hub hospitals , in particular for pathologies defined as "time-dependent", the prognosis of which is linked to the execution times of diagnostic tests and therapeutic interventions.

These are interventions for cardiac arrest, acute coronary syndrome, acute respiratory failure, stroke and major trauma, pathologies together called the "first hour quintet", because the probability of saving the patient is linked to adequate medical intervention within an hour from the occurrence of symptoms.


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