Tragic fatal accident in the evening on State Road 131: the crash occurred on the Mogoro hill, on the road towards Cagliari.

The victim is Giulia Erdas, a forty-year-old from Morgongiori: according to initial information, she lost control of the car, a Ford C Max, without the involvement of other vehicles. The impact against the traffic barrier was fatal. Unfortunately, the help from the 118 operators was useless.

L'intervento dei vigili del fuoco e, nel tondo, Giulia Erdas (Foto: Alessandra Chergia)
L'intervento dei vigili del fuoco e, nel tondo, Giulia Erdas (Foto: Alessandra Chergia)
L'intervento dei vigili del fuoco e, nel tondo, Giulia Erdas (Foto: Alessandra Chergia)

The Oristano firefighters also intervened on site, extracting the victim from the wreckage. The investigations are entrusted to the Sanluri traffic police.

From the first checks, the hypothesis emerged that the car may have been stolen, even if by late evening there had been no report of theft.

Valeria Pinna

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