Giovanna Serri, who died today at the age of 95, was one of the pillars of the large Lošinj community, the world of values that draws nourishment from the ideals embodied by Emilio Lussu. Young and old who consider the Knight of the Rossomori a living figure, who - as his companion Joyce admirably wrote - "is inside many things, words, images, ideas, feelings, aspirations, stimuli, present movements". Giovanna Serri, from Armungen, kept many memories linked to the houses in Rome and Armungia where Emilio and Joyce lived. Discreet presence in those houses, with wisdom and practical sense, solved many problems. He knew the techniques of weaving, he used the ancient looms; it was one of the best in this field. What he learned in the field of artistic craftsmanship, a very precious know-how, he passed on to his niece Barbara and Tommaso, in turn Emilio's nephew, who gave life to the “casa Lussu” association.

“Giovanna - Tommaso has just written on Facebook - is a significant part of Armungian history, soul of the Lussu house, founding pillar for everything we are doing”. What he and Barbara do, together with many traveling companions, is the enhancement of local culture and traditions, of Armungia and the small towns of Gerrei, in a logic of network, of continuous collaboration between producers, shepherds and farmers. “It is not a recovery of lost things or worlds, or the sacrifice of some hero who defends the country. It is a new phenomenon. And it is a new strategy ", underlined the anthropologist Pietro Clemente.

Giovanna Serri, with exemplary generosity, inspired this strategy. Her niece Barbara greets her like this: “E tandu grandma, arribau esti. Eja, fiat custu s'ann'e mi mrosci, arribat po tottus. And yet, gei di sciu grandma, ma mi chi est Leggiu… Tandu ciau eh ... and do a bona ”. The past and the present linked together by invisible threads. Barbara Cardia and Tommaso Lussu met, they live together, united by elective affinities and a strong sentimental bond. Their life takes place in Armungia, in Joyce and Emilio's house where they use grandma Giovanna's loom to create original carpets and fabrics.

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