Eight complaints by the Cagliari State Police for illegal hiring and aiding and abetting illegal immigration. This is the result of the investigation carried out by the mobile squad against a man from Quartu Sant'Elena, four men and a woman from Isili, a man from Orosei and a Kyrgyz woman residing in Cagliari, all of whom are cleansed. The suspects would have favored the entry and stay in Italy of citizens from Kyrgyzstan and then exploit them in the countryside or to insert and exploit them as carers and home helps within families or in the countryside with uninterrupted hours from 7 to 21 receiving black wages monthly of about 600 euros and could not even take a day off.

Foreigners arrived in Italy after having entered other European Union states with short visas for tourism or work. They were attracted with the false promise of well-paid employment and the possibility of immediately obtaining the necessary documents to stay in Italy, and then settled in Cagliari, Isili and Orosei.

The Kyrgyz woman under investigation acted as an intermediary between employers and foreigners and was responsible for presenting the paperwork for the residence permit to the Police Headquarters.

The singular data from which the investigations were triggered was the fact that of all the applications for residence permits advanced on the national territory by Kyrgyz citizens, as much as 75% had been presented to the Cagliari Police Headquarters (over 200).

During the searches various material of investigative interest was seized, such as receipts of illegal work wages and some reports of the wages given to migrants.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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