With motorbikes on the natural monument of Sa Trona, in Escalaplano .

The shot posted by some motorcyclists on the beautiful cantilevered panoramic terrace causes discussion on social media. Thanks to its incredible conformation, a protrusion in the void that recalls the suspended rock spur of "Trolltunga" in Norway, it attracts hundreds of tourists every year in search of the perfect photo.

Even at the cost of some security risk.

This was reported by a reader, indignant at the photo. "An unholy gesture by some disrespectful motorcyclists - he writes - who, with serene impudence and arrogance, parked their motorbikes above the natural monument of Sa Trona, regardless not only of the danger but above all of the damage that such gestures, advertised, can cause to the site and also authorize and/or entice other people to commit such an act in the future".


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