«No more poisoned bread».

Environmentalists and antimilitarists this morning in front of the courthouse in Cagliari on the occasion of the hearing relating to the trial concerning the expansion of the Rwm bomb factory, the company with a factory in Domusnovas controlled by the German Rheinmetall. Last October, in her indictment, prosecutor Rossella Spano, in the trial for alleged building abuses linked to the expansion, had asked for nine sentences ranging from seven months to one year and 10 months of imprisonment.

In the dock are the CEO of Rwm, Fabio Sgarzi, the deputy Leonardo Demarchi, the three technicians appointed by the company to draw up the expansion projects, Palmiro Palmas, Ignazio Pibia and Mauro Pompei, and the municipal officials who had released the authorizations for the expansion: the manager of the One Stop Shop for production and construction activities (Suape) of Iglesias and Domusnovas, Lamberto Tomasi, as well as the technicians Elsa Ghiani, Anna Rita Perseu and Giuseppe Matzei.

The hearing has now been adjourned to December 21st. The Sardinian Trade Union Confederation, the Basic Union of Unions, Cobas Cagliari, Sardegna Pulita, Italia Nostra Sardegna, the Domus Amigas Self-Development Experimentation Center, Assotziu Consumadoris Sardigna, Cagliari Social Forum, Movimento Non Violento Sardegna, the Committee have formed civil parties in the proceedings. RWM reconversion for peace and sustainable work.

"We - said the representatives of the fighting associations - will be there." A sit-in with an eye on Palestine : «The ferocious bombing and ground attack of the Gaza Strip by Israel is underway, causing terrible atrocities - explain the No Rwm Committee, the Sardinian Solidarity Committee with Palestine and Cagliari SocialForum -. We no longer cry fake tears over a dead child when we allow these lethal weapons to still be produced in our land. The cargoes with bombs and bullets leave from here and head towards various war zones."


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