Driving drunk, he carried a tribal ax and a kitchen knife in his car.

A 29-year-old from Assemini was denounced for illegal carrying of weapons and objects capable of offending, driving under the influence and refusal of indications on his personal identity. With him in the car a 28 year old, denounced only for the latest crime.

The two were stopped in Castiadas by the carabinieri of the Compagnia di San Vito while they were in a Mercedes B-class near a kiosk in Monte Turno.

The driver of the car was found in possession of a hand-carved tribal ax , 38 centimeters long and weighing 480 grams, and a kitchen knife with a serrated blade 21 centimeters long. Subjected to a breathalyser, it reported a rate of 1.42 grams per liter, almost three times the limit .

The young man, as well as the passenger (a 28-year-old from Cagliari subjected to probation), also refused to provide his personal details.

(Unionronline / L)

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