He takes a long sip of whiskey from a bottle while driving his car along the four-lane state road just outside Sassari . Then he presses on the accelerator and starts a gymnastics at full speed between the cars, overtaking left and right, until he crashes into a car that has just come out of an acceleration lane. His Fiat Punto overturns, you hear a crash of breaking glass and writhing metal sheets. Then nothing more.

Thus ends the Facebook direct of a 36-year-old resident of Porto Torres who last night put his life and that of other motorists at risk by making a madness behind the wheel, which could now cost him arrest, the withdrawal of his driving license and a conviction. to 1 year in prison for the episode and the terrible accident .

The driver got out of his subcompact almost unscathed , and so did the two people traveling in the car which he rammed at full speed. They all ended up in the hospital to treat their minor injuries.

For the 36-year-old, as reported by Ansa, the episode was only the beginning of a sea of troubles . The live video of his "performance" ended up in the hands of the local police of Sassari, who already at the moment of the rescue had realized the state of psychophysical alteration of the man.

The alcohol test carried out in the hospital would have confirmed a large amount of alcohol in the blood and now the officers are proceeding to ascertain the criminal and administrative responsibilities of the 36-year-old, complete with videos as irrefutable proof.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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