In Sardinia, getting the desired medicine from the pharmacy is increasingly an odyssey, the island has been experiencing a real emergency for months. Unobtainable antibiotics, sprays for asthmatics, anti-inflammatories. And still inconstant supplies of us used against tumors, anti viral, anti fungal and even the very common antacids to fight indigestion and gastric reflux.

A shortage that has lasted for months and which, despite repeated alarms, shows no sign of ending. In addition, the list of unavailable medicines gets longer every day, as confirmed by Pierluigi Annis, pharmacist and regional president of Federfarma. «Amoxicillin, one of the most widely used antibiotics, is only the most sensational case. But the difficulty of finding medicines that are usually widely available extends, for example, to ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory, or to bronchodilators for asthmatics".

Many point the finger at the national mechanism by which our health system obtains medicines. «Italy sets a ceiling on purchase prices, without however considering that the variable availability of products also changes their prices. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies often prefer to allocate production to countries that are willing to pay them better at that time, not being bound by spending limits".

Luca Mascia

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