Too many and too dangerous, for the fields and for the cars. This is why the Region is going to war against the wild boars: a request for an exception to the hunting calendar has been sent to the Ministry of the Environment, which would provide for another four Sundays of big game hunting in February.

According to an Ispra study, the damage caused by ungulates to agriculture amounts to 120 million in one year.

"As recently reported by agricultural associations, the problem is also strongly felt in Sardinia", explains the president of the Region, Christian Solinas, "and requires immediate action to protect the agricultural economy and the safety of citizens".

According to the data held by the Region, then, in 2022 there were over 1200 road accidents caused by wild boars.

«Added to this», continues Solinas, «the growing number of reports of the presence of these wild animals in inhabited centres».

Decisions on the matter are in the hands of the Department of the Environment. The owner, Marco Porcu, says he has asked «the competent ministries to evaluate the extension of the hunting exercise, exclusively for the collection of wild boar, at least on the four Sundays of the month of February.

The request also takes into account the fact that in Sardinia, unlike the other regions, hunting is allowed only for two days a week".


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