There is just under two months left until April 1st, the day on which Sardinia's analysis laboratories could stop providing health services in agreement with the local health authorities. The consequence would be a marked increase in requests from the public, with an exponential growth in waiting lists. The alternative would be payment for outpatient specialist tests and services.

This was announced by Federlab, which purchased the space within L'Unione Sarda to publish an open letter to the Sardinian population: «The affiliated analysis laboratory structures», we read, «will find themselves faced with an unpleasant circumstance: the impossibility of continuing to provide the services under the agreement, due to the new, unsustainable tariff policy imposed by the Ministry of Health ".

The coordinator of Federlab Sardegna Enrico Tinti explains what it is: « This tariff cuts the reimbursements of outpatient services by up to -70% for clinical analysis laboratories affiliated with the National Health Service compared to tariffs that are already obsolete because they date back to 25 years does. The new tariffs are linked to the new LEAs and must come into force by April 1st 2024".

Only the Region could be the one to be able to patch things up: «We ask that it act quickly to resolve the problem», adds Tinti, «because if we continue in this direction we will all hit a wall». As stated in the open letter, in fact, "it would be the end of social healthcare accessible to all" .


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