Three round years: for a long time there has been no news of Cristian Farris , of Orroli , who disappeared into thin air. Three years of anguish, anticipation and pain. The mother Giulia Sulis has entrusted L'Unione Sarda with a heartbreaking appeal: she asks for information on the investigations, begs that more effective means be used and hopes that at least the body of her son, 27 years old at the time of his disappearance, can be found.

The last time Farris was seen alive was October 21, 2019. His van was found on fire on the way to Escalaplano. Research conducted in the area has resulted in nothing.

The prosecutor has launched an investigation, the crime hypothesis - even in the absence of the body - is murder.

On L'Unione Sarda on newsstands tomorrow , and in digital format, the touching words of Cristian Farris' mother and the details of the story.

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