Two associations capable of handling 216 kilos of cocaine in two years, but also of organizing robberies. One based in Silanus, the other in the Cagliari area, with the exchange of drugs and men.

The two groups were defeated this morning with the Cold Spring operation, given the period of investigations carried out in cold temperatures, by the Cagliari Flying Squad : 27 precautionary custody orders were carried out, 23 in prison and 4 under house arrest. Also carried out 31 searches. There are 41 suspects in all.

The rivers of drugs arrived on the island by ship, from the squares managed by the 'Ndrangheta. The groups used sports cars with small compartments where the cocaine was hidden: the opening was done with remote controls. The investigation started in February 2021 after a robbery in Poggio dei Pini, with a shooting. The Mobile investigators, coordinated by the manager Fabrizio Mustaro and Michele Mecca, arrived at a group from the Nuoro area , discovering that there was cocaine trafficking behind it. The drug was hidden in dry stone walls or among the vegetation: an impressive tour.

Then contacts arose with a group from Cagliari. And during the investigations, light was also shed on the robbery in Barracca Manna, in Cagliari, in May 2021: knowing of an exchange in a house, two men broke in by firing pistol shots and taking away some money.

Today the execution of the ordinances ordered by the investigating judge Giuseppe Pintori, at the request of the prosecutor Gaetano Porcu. Five apartments, five cars and a motorcycle were also seized. In two cases recovered cocaine and hashish with two further arrests in flagrante delicto.

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