For the intervention of an ambulance in Sardinia you have to wait half an hour, compared to a national average of 20 minutes.

The data is disclosed by Cittadinanzattiva in its "Civic Health Report 2023" presented today to the Ministry of Health.

"In the last 10 years - they explain - there has been a constant reduction of emergency structures: there is a cut of 61 emergency departments, 103 emergency rooms, 10 pediatric emergency rooms and 35 intensive care centers". Even with respect to the timeliness of the arrival of emergency vehicles, the situation has worsened: "In Calabria where the emergency vehicle arrives on average in 27 minutes, Basilicata 29 minutes and Sardinia 30 minutes, when the national average is 20 minutes".

The report integrates the information from the 14,272 reports from citizens, which reached Cittadinanzattiva during 2022 from institutional, academic or research sources. The most frequent reports in the emergency and urgency area concern: excessive waiting for triage (19%) crowded emergency room (15%).

In short, once the pandemic emergency is over, citizens now find themselves dealing, more than before, with emergency rooms on their last legs, a shortage of doctors and medical deserts.

Due to the waiting lists, the use of private spending is increasing and many give up: the growth compared to 2021 is above all the reports of non-access to services (+5.8%).

Another urgency is that of healthcare personnel: a new survey of 10,000 professionals shows that 40% say they have unsustainable workloads and one out of three is unable to balance work times with those of private life.

Finally, reports on the subject of mental health are on the rise: 28% denounce a situation that has now become unsustainable at the family level and 17% the lack of health professionals in the area.




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