A 35-year-old local man was arrested in Chilivani for assaulting a public official . The drunk man headbutted a carabiniere .

Unemployed and already known to the police for other similar episodes, he had presented himself in the bar of the railway station in an evident state of psychophysical alteration. When the bartender refused to let him in, in the presence of two soldiers on the spot, he immediately walked away towards the train tracks. The reaction worried the carabinieri, who decided to follow him to protect his health and that of the travellers.

However, the man did not like the attention and gave one of the two a strong headbutt. Blocked and handcuffed, he was taken to the Compagnia di Ozieri headquarters, where he continued to threaten those present. At the end of the investigations he was taken to Bancali, where he is currently in precautionary custody and awaiting further measures by the judicial authorities. The wounded soldier then went to the emergency room, where the doctors gave him a few days' prognosis.


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