A risky overtaking, riding his scooter, Yamaha X-max 250 . But in the opposite direction, in that lane, a car was coming. The impact was violent, with consequent transport and hospitalization at the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari. But the carabinieri, who intervened on the spot in San Pietro, in the municipality of Castiadas , found that the man, a 52-year-old from Quartu, had never obtained a driving licence .

The centaur, already known to the police and already the recipient of an expulsion order, then refused to undergo an alcohol test and tests for possible drug use . A "no" which, by law, is equivalent to an admission of positivity.

Here the man was reported and the scooter was seized by the carabinieri : he will have to answer for the refusal of investigations on the state of alcoholic intoxication and in relation to the use of drugs, recurrence in driving without a license and violation of the provision of the expulsion order obligatory.


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