Protests in Castiadas for the long line at the post office : it happened yesterday with only one employee at the counters and after a colleague went on vacation without being replaced.

"Really absurd - says Giuseppe Paesano, one of the users -. In order to access the counter I had to queue for an hour and a half under the scorching sun. And, with me, many others. An absurd situation: And all this despite the good will of the only employee who did everything to avoid the inconvenience of us users ".

"The faults lie with the Post Office: it is unthinkable - added Paesano - not to replace an employee on vacation since in this period the needs of the Castiadas post offices multiply due to the presence of the thousands of tourists who flock to our coasts: I hope that Poste immediately arrange to send another employee in place of the colleague on vacation, a situation today that must not be repeated ".

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