Revolution in the renewal of ZTL passes in Cagliari: for the first time, holders will be able to renew their passes independently online on the new online platform .

Except for some particular cases, the deadline normally coincides with December 31st : holders of passes that are still valid or have expired less than a year ago can therefore renew them independently on the platform of the Municipality's institutional portal. The others will have to request a new one.

To access you must have a Spid or digital identity card , with Cie level 2 credentials activated. Once logged in, you can proceed with renewal. The entire procedure is explained on the attached information sheet ( HERE IS THE LINK ).

In addition to residents in limited traffic areas, passes are provided for particular categories: residents and students away from home, assistance and accompaniment for minors up to 2 years old, productive activities, clinics and visiting doctors, electric vehicles, private car parks, taxis, NCC , car sharing, ambulances, car parks of public institutions, private public utility services and private cars for public service use.


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