Two serious accidents in the afternoon in Cagliari with three injured people taken to hospital with a red code assigned : extensive damage to the various vehicles involved and traffic disruption.

The most serious of the two accidents occurred in Viale Marconi at the intersection with Via Sarpi : for reasons to be ascertained, a car , perhaps after a slight impact with another vehicle, ended up on top of three other cars .

The driver was immediately rescued by 118 and taken to the Brotzu hospital with a red code assigned. Local police officers and firefighters were on site to make the damaged vehicles safe. Traffic disruptions are inevitable .

Shortly before, there was another accident on the Asse Mediano at the junction for via dei Conversi, in the direction of Pirri . At least two cars were involved. Rescuers transported two people to hospital with a red code assigned due to the dynamics of the crash: fortunately their lives were not in danger. Also in this case traffic slowdowns . Municipal officers worked to reconstruct what happened.

The firefighters from the Viale Marconi barracks also intervened for the rescue.

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