«What are the three things that are missing or need to improve in Cagliari?» . In short: what are the emergencies that need to be addressed by the next mayor and his administration? On the streets of the city there seems to be no doubt: parking, transport and cleanliness . These are the main themes on which the interviewees' attention was focused. But the responses also revealed needs related to infrastructure, safety and functionality of public spaces .

"Public works take too long," says Gianluca Cherchi, a 28-year-old representative, as he heads towards Via Mameli, "and more checks are needed at night, so young people can rest assured when they go to clubs."

Andrea Asquer, a teacher , also spoke about the need for vigilance, referring to the situation that has been experienced for years in Piazza del Carmine: « There is a need for safety and cleanliness . The patrols are there, but not enough: their presence must be more assiduous and marked."

There is also the voice of the students, alarmed by the precarious municipal transport network and the lack of care for school services. " I live in the suburbs and I can't go home after 8pm," says Elena Cortis, a fifth grader , " after a certain time the trains don't even run anymore. At school, however, there is little space in the classrooms, the electrical systems are faulty, not to mention the bathrooms." Difficulties are also experienced in universities: «We need more canteens», claims Alessandro Cannas, a student of Political Science, «with those of my faculty we eat next to Caritas and this creates discomfort for us. Every now and then some scandal comes out, such as theft of objects or girls being intimidated."

«Parking, waste and roads»: this is what is missing for Sandra Sergi, assistant in a dental practice. «It's really frustrating to leave your house and not find parking, even for a fee. Many times I even avoid taking the car." Concept reiterated by Caterina Pilloni, unemployed , passing in front of the Basilica of Bonaria: «Every morning I have to park here to walk to Piazza Gramsci. I often wander around looking for space, ending up late for appointments."

All interviews in the video.

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