It was delivered this morning to the Archbishop of Cagliari Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi the figurine of the "master entrepreneur and his apprentice" . The new character of the Sardinian nativity scene of Confartigianato , Coldiretti and Fondazione Symbola , which represents the passage of skills between generations, was donated by the president of Confartigianato Sud Sardegna, Fabio Mereu, by the president of Coldiretti Cagliari, Giorgio Demurtas with the secretary of Confartigianato Sud Sardinia, Pietro Paolo Spada, and the director of Coldiretti Cagliari, Luca Saba.

In 2020 the figurine represented a nurse with a mask , in 2021 a digital entrepreneur and in 2022 a horticulturalist. 800 years after the first nativity scene wanted by Saint Francis in Greccio, the 2023 nativity scene figurine also aims to talk about the present but also about the future.

«This year, a figurine was chosen which represents a young apprentice at work and indicates the importance of training and generational transition within small and medium-sized businesses, fundamental elements for promoting and supporting the "know-how" that distinguishes the artisan work – declared Fabio Mereu and Pietro Paolo Spada, president and secretary of Confartigianato Sud Sardegna –. Placing the figure of the master alongside the young person wants to symbolize the desire and ability of the new generations to look to the future , learning and innovating, and the value of passing down skills in defense of Italian excellence, of Made in Italy, of the valorisation of the territory and of communities. A topic that we all have very close to our hearts and on which Confartigianato is working so that the desired generational transition can take place, filling the serious shortage of manpower that weighs on the survival of many businesses."

«This year too, let's renew a beautiful moment of sharing in view of Christmas. Never before has the statuette which depicts a symbolic generational transition brought with it a fundamental message to remember how important it is in the agricultural world and beyond to pass on work to young people - comment Giorgio Demurtas and Luca Saba, president and director of Coldiretti Cagliari - the world of the countryside is suffering from the phenomenon of abandonment more than others and for this reason Coldiretti has been working for some time on projects that support renewal in the agricultural sector and lead to reversing the negative trend of depopulation - they conclude - we hope that even these small gestures and messages can be a good omen for the future."


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