The taxi drivers of Cagliari have won the battle: the Municipality is doing an about-face on the resolution which authorized the tendering of 28 new licenses for white cars.

After the protests of recent days , the 10 seasonal authorizations which, in the administration's view, should have been used to meet the enormous unsatisfied demand for taxis, especially in the summer period, have been canceled and will therefore not be assigned.

The communication was sent by the municipal councilor for traffic, Alessio Mereu, who accepted the requests of the taxi drivers, who said they were ready to block the city. They wanted dual guidance to be established, which involves the extension of current licenses to other entities who use the concessions already in circulation. But on this, after the meeting held last night, no new information emerged.

However, the other 18 licenses will be assigned, five of which have the possibility of transporting disabled people.


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