Those who have not booked risk being left without. Pork and lamb have become almost unobtainable in the butchers of Cagliari . The more foresighted called well in advance and secured the roast for lunches and dinners between Christmas and New Year's Eve.

There's something for latecomers, too, but be prepared to beat all the outlets in town and spend a little (a lot) more than the rest of the year.

Prices have skyrocketed. The suckling pig is sold for between 18 and 20 euros per kilo. Then there are those who vary the price, depending on whether you buy the whole animal or only half: in this second case you pay an extra euro on average.

Lamb, on the other hand, for those who find it, is sold at a price that varies between 12.50 and 14 euros, with the addition.

Only on rare occasions do you find better offers. Or the traditional option always remains: to turn to "the shepherd friend". Or to a friend's friend. Even if by now it may be too late.


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