All together to ask for decent public transport so that no one is left on the ground or that one does not have to travel crammed upright in bad conditions.

Thus the students of some high schools in the Medio Campidano , starting with the high school students of the "Marconi-Lussu" of San Gavino Monreale and the students of the classical linguistic high school "Piga" of Villacidro, met this morning in the port area of Cagliari ready to go under the Palazzo della Regione in via Roma to strongly protest against an inefficient transport system. In particular, in the dock there is the Arst which, in the Medio Campidano, has not been able to satisfy the requests of the students who often are unable to return home by public transport.

"We have decided to take to the streets - explains Alessandro Loi of the San Gavino high school and member of the provincial student council - to claim our right to a guaranteed service , I underline the fact that it is a service paid for by our families and the right to be able to travel safely ".

Riccardo Pinna of the "Marconi-Lussu" high school also protests: "We students are tired of having to fight every day to be able to take the bus. Many of us are forced to enter later than the entrance time and go home in the afternoon We guys pay the subscription every month for a service that we are not constantly guaranteed ”.

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