Last summer he was sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison at the end of the criminal trial, held in an abbreviated manner, on charges of having kept thousands of euros seized from drug traffickers. Now the non-commissioned officer of the Guardia di Finanza, Alessandro Tedde, a 41-year-old deputy brigadier, has also received a sentence from the Court of Auditors: he will have to pay over 132 thousand euros, plus interest and revaluations, to the Ministry of Justice.

The tax process

The first degree tax proceeding ended before the panel presided over by judge Donata Cabras, where the soldier appeared defended by lawyers Giulio Steri and Francesco Cocco Ortu. Representing the regional prosecutor's office was the deputy Fabiana Olla who had handled the case against the deputy brigadier of the Metropolitan Operations Unit of Cagliari, after the transmission of the documents by the public prosecutor who conducted the criminal investigations for embezzlement and forgery. The crimes, according to the accusation, were committed between October 2019 and May 2022. The discovery The troubles for the non-commissioned officer began in 2021, when during a check it emerged that in the Single Justice Fund (FUG) no 77,420 euros had been seized from a person arrested for illicit importation of narcotic substances. «Within the scope of the operating patrol», disputes the public prosecutor's office, «the non-commissioned officer was responsible for the patrol for the phase of collection, conservation and custody of the seized goods». The arrest, it later emerged, dated back to 26 October 2019 and, upon validation, the public prosecutor had ordered the money to be paid into the Fug. When two years later it turned out that the money in the fund was not there, it emerged that other sums, seized as part of interventions to combat drug dealing, had also been retained by the military.

The investigations

The investigation carried out by the Guardia di Finanza itself - at least according to the prosecution's hypothesis - would have "revealed with certainty the fraudulent activity" and the system used to evade controls. A simple trick: the booklet in the name of the Fug that the deputy brigadier would have shown to the superiors with the payment would have been counterfeited: instead of channeling the over 77 thousand euros recovered in the anti-drug operation, only one thousand had been paid. The subsequent reconnaissance carried out on the files of the activity carried out by Alessandro Todde would have revealed many other cases of omitted deposits, up to 132,415 euros. The amount claimed by the tax investigators. The difficulties What pushed the soldier to commit crimes was the disastrous financial situation linked to the huge debts accrued towards his ex-wife, from whom he had divorced, and some colleagues. The defense pointed out that the financier was out of work, in a very difficult economic situation, and invoked the use of the power to reduce charges. The Court of Auditors recognized malice in the conduct of the deputy brigadier, condemning him to pay the entire disputed amount to the Ministry of Justice. The sentence can be appealed.

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