The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Cagliari Company have reported a 48-year-old local, unemployed, well known to the police, for detention for the purposes of drug dealing .

It all started following the telephone report received at the operations center in via Nuoro for a violent dispute in progress in a street in the historic center of Cagliari.

The 48-year-old was arguing with family members. After appeasing spirits, the military decided to search the house and found 230 euros in banknotes of various denominations, a precision scale, 26 bottles of methadone, 28 doses, equal to almost 6 grams, of heroin, 8 tablets of the medicine Rivotril which has psychotropic effects and an inflorescence equal to 1.07 g of Indian hemp.

The man will soon have a trial at the Court of Cagliari.


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