In Cagliari it is forbidden to chain bikes to poles, or in any case to «public infrastructures not intended for the purpose» . It is written in the safety and urban police regulation of Cagliari recently approved by the City Council, and heavy fines of up to 500 euros are foreseen for those who violate the law.

For cyclists, given the lack of a sufficient number of racks in the city, the provision "infringes the right to mobility of bicycle users" .

For this Fiab Cagliari (Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation) filed an appeal with the Tar: «The racks are non-existent» , explains the president of the association Virgilio Scanu , «in the face of an administration that did not want to listen to our proposals of amendment, we are taking the judicial route to defend the right to mobility of thousands of users who use the bike in their daily journeys".

"Article 19 of the regulation - explains Fiab in a note - stands in clear contradiction with the national and European regulations on sustainable mobility and with the Urban Plan for sustainable mobility adopted by the Municipality of Cagliari itself , which has among its objectives the 'promotion and introduction of means with low polluting impact' as well as the 'improvement of mobility for low-income people'".


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