The street crowded with people. Some chat, the envelopes with the shopping just done. And the music. Scenes of ordinary everyday life in the city, of any city as there are many. It happens in New York and it also happens in Cagliari . Street musicians keep the mood up and give open-air concerts . It also happens, however, that sometimes music is not welcome. Or rather, maybe it's a bad day, maybe you react too impetuously to the notes that invade the air and the shops.

Surely many will remember this story: about a year ago, in fact, a merchant in via Manno in Cagliari called the carabinieri to interrupt the performance of Yaacob González García , a Spanish violinist who had arrived in Sardinia to follow his art. The affair ended well almost immediately, with the inhabitants of Cagliari taking the side of the musician and a handshake to seal a newborn friendship .

Today, however, this story has indeed reached its happy ending. Stefania Donadon has reopened her shop after a period of hiatus and has decided, for the inauguration, to contact him , Yacob, to play for friends and customers.

« Music acts as a common thread and wins through our differences » said the violinist, excited and with that smile that only music can give to those who play it and to those who listen to it. It's well that ends well, after all. An epilogue that from the heated tones of a discussion has given way to the high and melodious tones of the notes.

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