There were about ten soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza who this morning at 8.30, opening time, showed up at the offices of the Foundation of the Teatro Lirico in Cagliari . The investigators have turned on a light on the hypothesis of suspicious hiring and absenteeism among the employees of the via Sant'Alenixedda institution. There are names registered in the register of suspects. But at the moment the maximum confidentiality is in force on the file opened by the prosecutor Andrea Vacca.

The men of the yellow flames remained in the theater for a long time. In an entire morning of work they acquired the files contained in some computers used by employees and managers of various sectors. But, according to what transpires, the interest would also have focused on the main server of the Theater and on the attendance tracking system.

The investigations would have been conducted over a period of time ranging from 2017 to the last few months. At the origin of the investigation there could be a complaint sent to the judiciary. And further developments could emerge in the coming days.

For those present at the Theater this morning, the "visit" by the Guardia di Finanza was the classic bolt from the blue: recently the ministry had also given the go-ahead for the long-awaited staff plan. But according to the Prosecutor's Office, in recent years not everything has gone smoothly.

Enrico Fresu/Francesco Pinna

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